Splash-proof, Stress-proof, Solo-Proofed

Remove Your Radar In A Matter Of Minutes

The Radar Guardian is designed to be both robust in safeguarding your radar and simple in its removal and reattachment. Here's a step-by-step guide to seamlessly integrate The Radar Guardian with your boat's radar system.

Simple Steps to Remove Your Boat's Radar with Radar Guardian

1. Loosen the Bolts:
On each rod, start by loosening the bolts on one side using a suitable wrench.

2. Remove the Rods:
Using a pair of pliers, carefully detach each rod.

3. Disconnect Cables:
Locate the power and network cables at the back of your Garmin radar. Gently unscrew and disconnect them.

4. Detach the Radar:
Now, with the cables disconnected, carefully lift and remove the radar.

To re-attach your radar, reverse these steps.

No Worries About Waterproofing

Rest assured, everything is designed to be sealed and 100% waterproof. You won't need any silicone, nor an extra pair of hands, to safely remove the radar from your boat.